GrassRoutes Internet
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1 Turkey Vulture First made aware of by Hubert Hall on CBC radio June 24, 2002
2 Fin Whale grounded in Kelley's Cove area. First hear of on radio CJLS Yarmouth. Pictures by Lorne & Sarah Cooke
3 THE CORAL REEFS OF NOVA SCOTIA This story presented by GrassRoutes Internet March 2001.
Resent legislation has given protection to these areas from trawlers. Ten percent of area is open to hand lining which should not dammage area and provide information as to species and health of area.
4 Saturday, June 22, 2002 "The federal government has banned almost all fishing in a patch of ocean off southern
 Nova Scotia in a bid to protect thousands of delicate, centuries-old deep-sea corals. "

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